Грандмастер Чин Фансен принял пост вицедиректора технического комитета всемирной организации боевых искусств (World Fighting Martial Arts Federation (WFMAF) ), миссия которой заключается в расширении общения, обмена, исследований, разработок и развития традиционных боевых систем боевых искусств по всему миру. Грандмастеру присвоена самая высшая степень — 9 дуань (дан).
World Fighting Martial Arts Federation, an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to enhance the communication, exchange, research, development, and promotion of traditional fighting martial arts systems worldwide, the World Fighting Martial Arts Federation (WFMAF) provides membership certification for individuals, schools, and organizations, dan rank certification for black belt martial artists, and martial arts news, articles, videos, and events.
On June 26th 2016, Master Sam Chin accepted the appointed position of ‘Vice President of Technical Committee’ as well as his 9th duan rank. Members of the committee includes world renowned Grandmaster Wu Bin (Jet Li’s Sifu).